Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Time! What time?!

I know that just about everyone can relate, but life feels like it has been turned upside down. I felt like I was handling 2 kids fairly well, and all of a sudden time has passed so fast and nothing has gotten done. Laundry is never done, dishes are piling up faster than I can keep up with, and beds are not getting made! Where does the time go. I barely have time to get on the computer anymore. So for all of my fellow bloggers, I have been struggling. Hopefully I will find some time again for blogging. Free time, what is that?!


Nick and Brent said...

Hey we totally understand on this one! With a new baby, you're lucky to get a shower in! BTW, love the new background, so cute.

Liz said...

I hear ya, I think I'm still adjusting to having two kids and Evelyn is 15 months old!!

Daedre said...

It sounds like you are doing well, and definantly experiencing things most mothers can identify with!
In a few years you will be on to new challenges with them but it does get easier in a lot of ways.

Jenny said...

Good luck juggling two. I cant relate to having two kids but I can relate to wondering where the time goes and having the dishes pile up. The joys of motherhood.