Saturday, April 26, 2008


Our little girl is playing with our emotions already. Thursday afternoon I started having some serious contractions. Ryan was in Afton, WY and I didn't want to worry anyone. I called my mom and she told me to sit in a tub of warm water. If they were real contactons the warm bath would make them stronger. I sat in the tub for about 1o seconds and felt a rush of pressure like the baby was coming any second. So, I called my sister-in-law who rushed over and took me up to the doctor. I was dialated to a 1 with untimable contractions . The doc told me he thought he would see me up to the hospital that night, so to go home and rest. As soon as I got home the contractions stopped all together. So Friday morning my parents, MaCrae and I went to Idaho Falls to get some shopping done, and to hopefully start the labor again. Well, it worked. On the way home my contractions got consistant at 3 minutes apart. They weren't take my breath away contractions, but with how Mac's delivery went, we wanted to be safe. So we headed up to the doc's again. The contractions were steady, but doing nothing. I was still at a 1. Dr. Barton said they were real, but unless they start doing something we were at a loss. He gave me a perscription for Ambien, and told me to go home and rest through the these small pains, and we were likely to be seeing him at the hospital last night. I took the Ambien at 4:30. Occasionally I would wake up in the middle of the night and feel the contractions stronger, but nothing I couln't sleep through. Until 4:30 this morning. I woke up with a TERRIBLE contractions. Lasted 4 minutes of constant pain. I had another one shortly and everyone (my husband and parents) were ready to go. I knew these were real, but was not satisfied. I told Ryan I wanted to have a few more before we left. Sure enough, the bad ones stopped. I had small contractions for the next 90 minutes, and now hardly any. Let me tell you, I am ready for a C-Section. In fact my dad asked if we could do that with the next one so we didn't have all these false alrams. If anyone has any advice to get this going for REAL, let me know!


Liz said...

I have a good friend who is a massage therapist (and she is trained to do pregnancy and labor massage. Had her there with Aige. I was amazed at how well it worked. If you haven't had the baby by Monday e-mail me and I'll give you her number, she's in Rexburg. Besides, a massage during pregnancy is awesome. I wished she lived close to me.

Amber said...

I'm sorry about that! That is no fun because you don't know what to do, you don't want to deliver at home but it's not fun to be at the doctor everyday with false labor! They finally just boke my water with both because I kind of did the same thing. (and put me on PIT but that is no fun!) Good luck I hope she comes soon!!!

Kris and Sarah said...

Oh my heck, I hate the wait!! I don't really have advice (I was induced with both my kids) but I do feel so bad for you! This is the worst part of the whole thing!!

Jenny said...

Oh, I am so sorry! That sucks! I have no ideas, my labor with Lilly was alot like yours with Mac. But, Good Luck!

Nick and Brent said...

Kim, I don't know what to tell you, but hang in there! The only thing that kept me sane was walking...everywhere...especially stairs. But I had hardly any contractions until I went into labor, so I can't exactly say I relate. I also took some raspberry herb stuff. Let me know if you're interested. Good luck!!