Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baby Update

Still no baby! I had a doc appt yesterday and I have am now dialated from a 1 to a 2. Yeah, 5 days of labor for one stinkin centimeter. Not what I call an easy labor. But my mom is with me this week to help take my mind off time, and to hopefully be here when I actually deliver the baby. I am not so sure there is a baby anymore! The doctor was really supprised to see me yesterday, he thought there was no way I wouldn't have the baby over the weekend, but here I am. So because of legal issues and the chance the lungs might not be fully developed they will wait until Monday, May 5. If I haven't had the baby they will induce me. I was so dissapointed after the appt I ate a Big Mac with a large Dr. Pepper! Yeah, I was pretty upset.

But the last 2 days have been so much fun with my mom. The weather has been beautiful, so after a morning of shopping in Idaho Falls we meet with Karissa (my sister in law) and Kenadee (Mac's cousin) at the Rigby park. After swinging for like an hour Mac wanted to play in the sand with some other kids. Someone had left a shovel so Mac found it and started dumping sand into another little boys bucket. This other little boy did not like it, and would dump it out and turn away everytime Mac would do this. So Mac started dumping it over his head. Mean yes, I did put a stop to it, but it was really funny the way it happened. The kid was just so ticked off that Mac wouldn't leave his bucket alone. So we left the park and bought some sand box toys of our own, went over to Karissa's and they played for another couple hours on the tramp, in the sand, on the swing set, and Jon came home with a giant kite. Mac thought that kite was so cool. They kids had a blast, and we all got plenty of sun. Yesterday we had Karissa and Kenadee meet us again at McDonalds, and once again the kids played hard. MaCrae has been such a good little boy the last couple of days. I think finally getting out of the house has made a big difference. We were in Idaho Falls when Mac had an accident yesterday and I had no diapers left. So we ran to Fred Meyer's and Mac wanted to go into their playland so bad. He could have cared less that we left him for an hour. He had so much fun. He was the only kid there, and picked up all the toys like a big boy so they gave him a cookie card to redeem a free cookie at the bakery. What a cute idea.


Nick and Brent said...

Thanks for the updates...hang in there!

Natalie said...

I'm so sorry!! It's starting to sound like Carson's birth all over again! Hang in there!!